Privacy statement

Your data, our interest........

Security & Investigation Group BV is a detective agency with a so-called POB licence, issued by the Ministry of Justice and Security. 

Security & Investigation Group BV is aware of careful handling of your personal data. Your personal data are therefore carefully processed and secured.

The General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) is leading in this respect.


Responsibility for processing your personal data

Sometimes we obtain personal data from our clients. 

Your personal data may also be obtained in a criminal investigation, or other work. Your personal data may also be provided to third parties. We actually only do this if we have obtained your consent. Provision to third parties without your consent is only possible in case we have a legal obligation to do so.


For what purpose do we use your personal data?

Security & Investigation Group BV uses your data for the following purposes:

▪ For the correct execution of (detective) investigations and security assignments

▪ To provide correct personal information to our clients and other interested parties

▪ For institutions and/or companies where we are obliged by law to keep your data.


Which data do we process?

Security & Investigation Group BV processes at least the following personal data of you, insofar as these are (or have become) known to us:

▪ name, address and place of residence data.

▪ Your contact details (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number).

▪ data relating to your person which you provide to us yourself (of your own accord).

We may also process special personal data about you, e.g. financial information or criminal data.


How do you know what personal data we keep?

Security & Investigation Group BV stores your personal data digitally. If you want to know what personal data we have kept of you, you have the possibility to request and/or view it. You hereby have the right to correct, supplement or remove personal data, but also to object to their storage. In most cases, you have given permission for us to keep your personal data. In this case, you can withdraw your consent (at any time).

We will only process your request to this end in writing, preferably by e-mail to:

Security & Investigation Group BV, [email protected]

Based on your request, we will contact you within 2 (working) days.


How long do we keep your personal data?

Security & Investigation Group BV does not keep your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary. Security & Investigation Group BV retains only the necessary personal data from you. Also

Security & Investigation Group BV only retains your personal data for the purposes mentioned earlier in this privacy statement.

If you want to know for what and how long we keep your personal data, feel free to ask us.


Safe storage of your personal data 

Security & Investigation Group BV is aware of the risks of storing your personal data (digitally). Security & Investigation Group BV has taken important organisational and technical security measures to reduce the risks of something going wrong with your personal data.

Our staff know the importance of the confidentiality of your personal data. Our computers are protected against hacking and with proper virus detection. We work with access security.  Not only on our computers, but also on our buildings.


If you are not satisfied with the way we handle your personal data, please discuss this with us. 

To do so, please contact Security & Investigation Group BV. 

We are always willing to explain how we handle your personal data. We will handle your question and/or complaint with the utmost care.

You can also contact the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, the Dutch supervisory authority. 


Protocol mandatory data breach notification

From 1 January 2016, the data breach notification obligation applies to every organisation. 

When introducing a procedure for this mandatory notification, the checklist we made can be an aid.

By sending us an e-mail message ([email protected]) , you can obtain the checklist for free.